We believe when the individual thrives, the firm thrives.

levy craig law firm team members at table discussing case

We give our team members the room, the tools and the freedom to realize their potential.

Surprised? Don’t be. Levy Craig may be a 100-year-old law firm, but we are as progressive in our thinking and our image as any startup.

When you walk through our doors, you’re greeted by an energizing, contemporary environment. Office doors are kept open to welcome interaction and collaboration. Our team members know each other and each other’s families.

In fact, it feels like family. Because of that, everyone contributes to the firm’s day-to-day operations, as well as its future.

If you’re a bright go-getter who has had to keep your entrepreneurial spirit in check, Levy Craig may be the firm for you.

Perks of working at Levy Craig

levy craig career benefits continuous education allowance icon

Generous continuing education allowances

levy craig career benefits bar association membership icon

Paid bar association and professional memberships

levy craig career benefits marketing budget icon

Marketing budgets that show our appreciation for your book of business

levy craig career benefits company financial reports icon

Monthly financial reports to keep you in the know

levy craig career benefits reasonable billable hours icon

A reasonable billable hour requirement, so you can have a life, as well as a career

levy craig career benefits high tech environment icon

A high-tech environment

levy craig career benefits diversity of thought icon

Diversity in thought and approach

If your legal career has grown dull, perhaps it’s the place, not the area of practice.
Consider Levy Craig — where clients come to retain their edge and attorneys — and the associates that support them — come to sharpen them.

Become part of the winning team at Levy Craig.

To get started, submit your resume by filling out the form below.

All fields and a resume upload are required to submit the form.

Resume Submission

Add a pdf or Word file (doc or docx) less than 5 MB. If your resume exceeds the allowed limit or you need to submit a different format, please contact us.

Maximum file size: 5MB